The facts are revealed in this article…
The majority of us do not really know the relationship between bee pollen and hot flashes; that is because bee pollen is popularly known for its energy boosting and libido enhancing abilities. Hot flashes are so called because of the warm feeling one generally goes through especially in the neck and head regions.
It can last for as short as 30 seconds and as long as one hour, and it can occur as often as every 2 hours on a daily basis. Because of the sudden surge of heat or warmth in the body, redness of the skin and sweating also usually occur. It is a symptom usually felt by women who are experiencing early stage menopause.
As a woman gets older, certain hormonal changes and imbalances occur, such as the lowering of the estrogen level. When estrogen levels fluctuate, the brain gets confused on whether the body is actually hot or cold. It is this lowering of the estrogen that is said to be the cause of these hot flashes.
Not all menopausal women actually have this symptom but about 75% of them do. Hot flashes also have different intensity; they are also come with other menopausal symptoms like headaches, dizziness, tiredness, irregular heartbeats or palpitations.
Hormone therapy is the most common treatment for hot flashes. Estrogen is introduced to the system orally or via skin patches. Although it is successful in lessening the frequency of occurrence of hot flashes, the discovery of long-term effects like breast cancer and heart failure, have forced some to completely stop this treatment.
Drugs and medications like Megestrol, Gabapentin, and Clonidine have also been known relieve hot flashes but then there are also negative side effects like constipation and weight gain.
Some have turned to natural and alternative treatments; that brings us to the connection between bee pollen and hot flashes.
What Is The Connection Between Bee Pollen And Hot Flashes?
Bee pollen is more known as an energy booster and anti-oxidant; but, its beneficial effect on hot flashes is relatively unknown by many. However, bee pollen is considered the most complete food; it contains a great number of nutrients like vitamins A to E, biotin, sulphur, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus to name a few.
Studies show that women who take bee pollen on a daily basis have reduces incidences and intensity of hot flashes. They also experience increase in energy especially since menopause is also known to cause fluctuations in energy levels.
Bee pollen is also beneficial for several other health conditions including diabetes, infertility, high cholesterol, weight loss and even cancer.
There is a beneficial connection between bee pollen and hot flashes; but, you need an effective brand that is also free of toxic impurities to get the result you need. Hence, we recommend Xtend-life’s Natural Energy; it is sourced and manufactured in New Zealand (a pristine country). It is also GMP compliant and has Certificate of Analysis (COA) to prove the quality of the product.