Boost Your Nutrition with Bee Pollen: Vegan Diet Health Tips
Although everyone will definitely benefit from taking bee pollen, vegans would probably be among those who will be most interested in using this wonderful health supplement.

Bee pollen contains all the essential nutrients a vegan needs
Since vegans do not eat meat or fish, they will certainly need to exert more effort in order to fulfill their body’s requirements when it comes to protein and other nutrients that are mainly found in the foods that they do not eat.
Of course, there are many other sources of protein besides meat and fish, like eggs and milk.
However, many vegans don’t eat dairy products either – although some do – so that leaves them to take their protein from other sources like soy, nuts and seeds.
All this is well and good if you eat enough of these foods to complete your overall protein requirement.
But what many vegans don’t realize is that the body actually needs many different kinds of amino acids in order to function properly.
Soy products have a very limited number of amino acids, as do nuts and seeds. So even if they can give you the total protein you need, your health might still be compromised because of the lack of essential amino acids in your daily diet.
Does this mean that it’s not healthy to be a vegan after all? Not at all. In fact, deciding to be a vegetarian may be the best decision you can make in terms of your health because it does reduce your consumption of toxins, thus reducing your risk of suffering from many health problems as well.
Furthermore, a vegan diet is far more sustainable for the environment than an animal-based diet so Mother Nature is probably thanking you as well.
But going back to the merits of bee pollen, vegan nutrient deficiencies can definitely be alleviated by taking these natural supplements alongside the usual fruits and vegetables that you are eating. First of all, bee pollen contains at least 22 essential amino acids so it can definitely provide you your daily protein requirements.
In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids, a vital nutrient found in fishes like trout and salmon, are also contained in significant amounts in bee pollen. Vegans often have to go without this nutrient because it is very hard to find alternative sources.
Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in walnuts and flaxseed but you would undoubtedly get bored eating these every day. But if you take a bee pollen supplement daily, you will no longer have to worry about a shortage of fatty acids in your diet.
Other than protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, other nutrients that are often missing from a typical vegan diet are Vitamin B12, iron, zinc and calcium. As luck would have it, all these nutrients are found in considerable amounts in pollen. Vegans surely have a lot to gain from this substance, that’s for sure.
One of the main reasons that people become vegetarians is to avoid the toxins that come from animal-based foods. Therefore, it only makes sense to pick a bee pollen product that is completely free from toxins as well, like Xtend-life Natural Energy.
Harvested from the pristine isles of New Zealand, Natural Energy is guaranteed free of pesticides and other toxic pollutants, unlike other pollen supplements that are sourced heavily polluted parts of the world.
By using Xtend-life Natural Energy regularly, you can be sure of getting all the nutrients you need while continuing to reap the many rewards of being a vegetarian.