When it comes to health issues and the use of natural health supplements, the one person that the public generally turns to for answers is Dr. Oz. Bee pollen, saffron, fish oil – these are just some of the natural health products that people want to know about in the Q&A section of Dr. Mehmet Oz’s official website.
So what is the verdict of Dr. Oz on bee pollen? Is it really as amazing as a health supplement that most people perceive it to be?
Or did he dismiss its so-called health benefits as just some of the many misconceptions people have about natural health products?
While not as zealous as the bee advocates or the manufacturers in elaborating on the merits of bee pollen, it is clear that for Dr. Oz, bee pollen does have a lot of nutritive content, and his doctor colleagues agree.
When a reader specifically asked about the nutritional value of bee pollen, one of the contributing doctors on the site replied as follows:
“Bee pollen is often referred to as “nature’s most perfect food” because it is a complete protein (typically containing 10 to 35 percent total protein) in that it contains all eight essential amino acids. Bee pollen also provides B vitamins, vitamin C, carotenes, minerals, DNA and RNA, numerous flavonoid molecules, and plant hormones.”[i]
In another website, Dr. Oz and his colleague Dr. Mike Roizen had also mentioned that bee products can help slow down the aging process, prevent certain diseases and offer excellent protection at cellular level because of the presence of amino acids and other natural compounds. [ii]
Based on these views, it is confirmed that bee pollen does have multiple health benefits and people should really consider taking them as a supplement to their daily diets. However, you shouldn’t just take any bee pollen product that you come across. In order to get the most benefits, you should take your pick carefully.
For starters, you have to consider where the pollen was harvested. Think twice before buying products that are sourced and manufactured in highly polluted countries because these are likely to be contaminated with industrial pollutants. Instead, choose those that are collected from pristine regions like New Zealand.
In particular, Xtend-life Natural Energy brand from the South Island of New Zealand is recommended because of its purity and potency. Made under the highest manufacturing standards, as you can see from the GMP compliance stamp on its label, Natural Energy will give you the best quality bee pollen and the best results on your health.
[i] http://www.sharecare.com/question/nutritional-value-bee-pollen
[ii] http://www.oregonlive.com/health/index.ssf/2009/08/you_docs_the_truth_about_honey.html