Manfaat bee pollen is quite popular in Indonesia. The product got its name from a flower called Manfaat, which grows in one of the forests in that country. Bee products in Indonesia are made according to the regulations of the Indonesian Forest Honey Network (IFHN).
The goal of IFHN is to ensure that beekeepers comply with the laid down standards designed to ensure high quality organics bee products. There is an emphasis on the preservation of forests to avoid deforestation.
The regulations are committed to ensuring the following:
- Prevention of deforestation and preservation of the natural habitat of bees
- Sustainable harvesting of honey
- Preservation of indigenous cultures
- Improving the quality of bee products
Sadly, a lot of locals still cut down trees so they can harvest honey. Indonesia is also becoming more industrialized; hence, the level of pollution there is increasing by the day, thereby putting the pollens at risk of contamination.
That is why Manfaat bee pollen may not be as pure as the pollens from non-polluted countries like New Zealand.
Why New Zealand Pollen is Superior
- New Zealand has small human population and few industries; carbon emission and industrial wastes are minimal, which translates to low pollution level.
- The winds come from Antarctica, thereby making New Zealand’s air quality one of the cleanest in the world.
- The bees forage in a natural habitat.
- The foraging area is isolated and far from industrialized cities so there are no contaminants and pollutants.
- No pesticides are used on the farms.
The Bee Pollen Supplement We Personally Use
We use and recommend Xtend-life’s Natural Energy because it contains pure NZ bee pollen. The Pollen is well preserved after harvesting, so all the nutrients are preserved. It is also manufactured using non-chemical processes.
Now that you know why we prefer Natural Energy to Manfaat bee pollen, the ball is in your court. We hope you would henceforth make the right buying decision so as to optimize the benefits of this amazing food supplement without risking toxic contamination.