Many people are confused when it comes to choosing bee pollen – NJ or NZ sourced, which one is better. There are many product reviews on the Internet claiming that pollen from New Jersey is the best in the market today while those from New Zealand also has an equally positive feedback. So which is really the better choice?
To answer this question, we have to examine one important factor that affects the quality of pollen – purity, which is determined mainly by how clean or unpolluted the source of pollen is.
We all know that bees are the ones that actually make the pollen – what the pharmaceutical companies do is to simply gather the pollen, process and preserve it and sell it to the public.
So in order to find out the real deal about these supplements, it is only logical to begin our investigation by looking at where the bees go to get the pollen.
NJ Bee pollen is harvested in the state of New Jersey, which is the second most urbanized state in the US next to California.
In fact, all the counties in this state are metropolitan areas, meaning that there are industrial buildings in practically every corner. The population density in this place is also extremely high.
Although there are wilderness areas in the state where different varieties of flowers undoubtedly grow and where bees can go to forage, these areas are severely limited. It’s true that New Jersey does house some of the biggest flower-growing companies in the country – Morris County has even been hailed as a “center of rose culture”.
But most of these companies grow their flowers in man-made greenhouses in the middle of smog-infested cities. Any pollen that bees might be able to collect from these places would be contaminated with pesticides, heavy metals and other pollutants that pose a threat to human health.
On the other hand, NZ bee pollen is very different. First, the environment here is immaculate compared to the heavily polluted air of New Jersey. There are on few industrial structures, and the human population is very low as well.
The country consists of mainly grasslands and meadows filled with flowers that bees can explore. In fact, bees can roam far and wide in this country without getting into contact with any chemical or pollutant in the air.
Just from these major differences, it is easy to see that pollen from New Zealand beats bee pollen from NJ hands down. So if you want to make sure that you get the purest bee pollen supplements, choose the ones that have the New Zealand label.
Furthermore, if you want the highest quality supplements from New Zealand, look for Natural Energy by Xtend-life. This particular product does not only offer purity and potency but it also ensures that your body will quickly absorb all the nutrients contained in the natural supplement.
When shopping for pollen bee pollen, NJ sourced may be more accessible at times and perhaps even cheaper but when it comes to your health, your focus should be on the nutritional value of the product and your own safety.
With Xtend-life Bee Pollen, you will get all the benefits of this supplement without worrying about any risks to your health.