What could possibly be the connection between bee pollen and menopause? You will find out the answer to that question before you finish reading this article.
Millions of women aged forty and above go menopausal every year; in a bid to find an effective solution to the negative effects of menopause on women, researches have began to look into the effect of bee pollen on menopausal women.
Menopause signifies the end of menstruation and childbearing capability of the woman and it is the final stage of a gradual bodily process in which the ovaries inside her body gradually lose their production of sex hormones progesterone and estrogen.
Socially, being menopausal can have a tremendous effect on the woman’s personality as well as her outlook on life and in some cases it can be quite problematic as the need to treat menopause through therapy becomes inevitable.
The symptoms of menopause include hot flash (a sudden sensation of intense heat in the upper part of the body or all around the body) and vaginal dryness (the vagina’s walls become thinner).
Others are discomfort in the mouth (example: sensitive gums), deteriorating memory (being unable to focus mentally), and mood swings.
How Does The Relationship Between Bee Pollen And Menopause Really Work?
While there are other medical products and supplements that menopausal women could use, using bee pollen is known to be a natural and effective treatment. In its herbal form, bee pollen is effective in treating hot flashes as it contains a solid combination of hormones.
Being menopausal can make any woman vulnerable to diseases; bee pollen remedies that because it is a good source of flavinoids and myricetin (which strengthens white blood cells; it also contains rutin – a substance that has cancer-fighting properties. Another of its components is quercetin, which strengthens the immune system to resist allergies.
Fatigue is another problem that menopausal women have; hence, another link between bee pollen and menopause is that this ‘super nutrient’ is a natural energizer. It helps to boost physical energy and mental alertness.
Many menopausal women tend to gain a lot of body fat; however, bee pollen helps to increase metabolism. It also dissolves and removes body fats, thereby leading to effective weight loss. By combining bee pollen intake with healthy diets and exercise program, losing weight will become easier during menopause.
Another thing that results from menopause is the fact that libido is significantly reduced; bee pollen is proven to improve libido and overall circulation of blood. Treating menopause with bee pollen does not only relieve menopausal symptoms, but also boosts overall well-being.
One thing you need to remember though is, you need a quality bee pollen supplement to derive the menopausal benefits mentioned here